I did not eat this today. It looks good though doesn't it? It's Chicken Paprikash from foodtv.com I may have to try it for dinner one night. If for no other reason than to see if you really can prepare it in 20 minutes as advertised. I love "easy" meals that you are supposed to be able to cook real quickly on a weeknight but somehow they turn into a major production between boiling water and chopping things and what not. If you really want to eat something in 20 minutes then just give me like 2 or 3 things that are in a jar I can dump out together and heat up. End of story.
My lunch was the last of the beef tenderloin from Saturday night, and a big helping of Melba toast with Boursin cheese. Neither of those things make a great photo which is why I have a pic of something else. I slightly warmed the meat but not enough to fundamentally change the doneness from medium rare. Found some salt in the kitchen and there you go. Lunch. I ate the toast and Boursin while on a conference call that someone had the nerve to schedule during lunch. It is not cool to be on a lunch call where the majority of the people are in one location getting a catered lunch while you and 2 other saps sit at your desk not eating or eating cheese and Melba toast. No offense to the cheese and Melba toast. I have a crazy wicked weakness for Melba toast anyway.
I had dessert today too. The office had chocolate cream pie in honor of Chungry turning 50. You would never think he is that old to look at him. That, plus he has the appetite of a much younger man. Oh and now it seems we have cupcakes for the occasion too! Strictly for research and blogging purposes I will go get a cupcake. . . .
Hmm they all seem to be chocolate or look like they are all chocolate. No one seems to know what they are.
This seems to be chocolate with some vaguely mocha tasting frosting. It's ok. Moist, but I still think I prefer the baby bundt cakes. Now I need a glass of milk. That was overkill.
so, where was I? oh yeah. Don't need to rate my meal b/c it was more of the same leftovers. That is about as boring as having dumplings over and over again. You know who you are. As far as the desserts go I can't even say that it's fair to rate a chocolate cream pie. I mean can you ever have a bad one of those? How do you screw up whipped cream and pudding? In the alternative, is it possible to make a really outstanding choc cream pie? I like them but can't say that I have ever had one that was WOW. As a general pie category I will give the chocolate cream pies of the world a 3. The cupcakes I may refrain from rating all together. They are so subjective. These for me were just meh. Best thing about them was that the frosting was not cream cheese or buttercream. I'm guessing a ganache. Maybe it's time we all stop with the $3 cupcakes and go back to making them with a box of cake mix and frosting in a can? Please?
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