Saturday, May 17, 2014

Apropos of Nothing

Have I mentioned that this is the BEST  THING EVER?

Making burgers. I put this on EVERYTHING. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Two dinners in one week.  I'm obviously on a roll. 

Tonight the Dallas peeps were visiting. Usually I let them cook bc they are way better than I am. Tonight though I manned the helm. Roasted asparagus, rib eyes and pork tenderloin.  Hubs did the shopping and came back with rolls that had cocktail weenies in them. What the hell Sister Shubert?!  Not cool. Also not cool Hubs can't read. He's working on it. 

I'm becoming a real fan of the roasted asparagus. 

All Fired Up . . .

And ready to go!

This was actually breakfast for dinner the other night. Bet y'all didn't think I cooked since all I ever post is restaurant food. But you'd be wrong!  It doesn't happen as much as I'd like though. 

Fired up the stove for pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. Pancake flipper courtesy of Chungry-Claus. It wasn't bad. Lessons learned: don't fill the molds all the way or your pancake will be too thick. Also the metal of the pan isn't that thick so be careful. I burned my first batch. Those went to the dog, and he was thrilled to get them. 

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. My scrambled eggs are the shit.  

The End. 


My Secret Shame . . .


All Fired Up . . .

And ready to go!

This was actually breakfast for dinner the other night. Bet y'all didn't think I cooked since all I ever post is restaurant food. But you'd be wrong!  It doesn't happen as much as I'd like though. 

Fired up the stove for pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. Pancake flipper courtesy of Chungry-Claus. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Banner Day!

Props to Brooklyn Cafe in The Woodlands. You can make a grilled cheese! Gracias bitches. 

Odds and Ends in Lexington

Work trip to Lexington with my team led to dinner on Sunday night due to lack of options by air to bluegrass country. 

Landed at Grey Goose. A pub with pizza. Started off with fried mushrooms and beer cheese. Who knew what beer cheese was? Not me. I was expecting some yellow slabs. What arrived was some creamy stuff in a cup with veggies. Spicy but tasty. 

Ceaser salad was mediocre. Twist pointed out menu advertised it as "delicious". It was not. Which is too bad bc I really had high hopes for this one. 

Pizza recovered my hopes and was fantastic. We got a standard pepperoni and then a chicken and bacon. Sounds gross right? It was totally not!  We even had sides of ranch and blue cheese for dipping. Nice beer selection at GG. We all got hooked on Kentucky Ale Bourbon Barrel blend. Yum. It was like soda but with a lot of alcohol. 

After eating too much we made for the hotel and Game of Thrones which was way sobering. End of that ep was a pisser. TNT got up without a word and just walked out. Fine. 

Best meal of the trip hands down.