Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How Do I Like My Hash Browns?

This article from Garden & Gun on the genesis of Waffle House hash browns will be required reading for my household. Actually, anyone who claims to be a Waffle House denizen should read this.

Scattered & Smothered

Who doesn't love Hash browns?  More importantly who doesn't love Waffle House hash browns?  If you say you do not you are either lying or have never had them.  Your loss and more for the rest of us!  Booyah.

But, you ask, what is Garden & Gun?  G&G is a delightful conundrum of a publication I discovered upon moving to Texas.  The magazine publishes 6 issues a year and includes a variety of articles only southerners would care about, like making moonshine, eating at Waffle House (duh), best places to duck hunt with your Boykin, finding the best oyster knife and road trips suggestions for any number of back roads, "best places no one knows about" locations.  I initially bought it for the absurdity of it, then kept renewing for the recipes and places to eat in the south pieces.  I have never considered myself a southerner but find that more and more I am leaning that way.  At least in terms of food and hospitality.  And bourbon.