Sunday, December 21, 2014

More Pickles

In my never ending search for the quintessential pickle, may I present Cooper Farms whole dilled pickles. Cooper Farms is. Texas family farm/ orchard that has a roadside stand with fruit and veggies and pies and are best known for peaches. Cooper farms may actually be quite the commercial operation but I like to think I'm really eating something homemade. Thus the pickles. 

The jar is whole pickles. I just cut one up for pics. I have to say I'm pretty darn enamoured with these. Very nice balance of vinegar dill and garlic with a smidge of red pepper. And you can see all those things in the jar too!

They are reay quite spectacular. Tangy. Crunchy. The end. 
If you're on I 45 in the near future follow the signs to the Cooper Farms store and grab yourself some. 

Recommended 5 microwaves 

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